From December 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2019 users of Bittorium can swap their coins at rate of 10 BTOR to 1 TLO by sending their BTOR coins to wallet address bTXPouErxAPNQ9Ajwtn7NE589BiU7vb8y9rRow3vZYerBVA9AL2RGb498XgkXwYpUMLagvWSYfHEmW3X2LqCxd7214jA6JuyA and e-mailing the transaction hash and Talleo wallet address to

If the amount is larger than 1 million BTOR, screenshot of the wallet application showing the swap transaction must be sent when requested.


  • zip Bittorium-CLI-Linux
    Linux CLI binaries
    Date added: 2019-12-03 05:46 File size: 55 MB Downloads: 719
  • zip Bittorium-CLI-Windows
    Windows CLI binaries
    Date added: 2019-12-03 05:46 File size: 8 MB Downloads: 899

Published by Mika

Lead developer and team leader of Talleo Project